Syria. The former Minister Mr. Giulio Terzi sues Assadakah Sardegna President

Rome, 30th of March 2016 – The former Minister of Foreign Affair of Monti Government, Mr. Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata sued Raimondo Schiavone, President of Assadakah Sardegna because of several articles he published on the association website he defines “defamatory”. Everything started in 2012, when Assadakah Sardegna invited a delegation of MPs from Syria leaded by Christian MP Maria Saadeh to meet Italian Institutions in Rome and Bruxelles. Mr. Lamberto Dini President of Italian Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee, and Mr. Gianni Pittella Vice-President of European Parliament, supported the invitation.
As the Syrian war worsened, only the dialogue and the peace could be the way out from the conflict in which rebels shown their violent side. Thus, a meeting with the Comunità di Sant’Egidio was scheduled.
Despite of Italian Authorities verbal re-assurances, the Syrian MPs visit was cancelled at the last minute: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – leaded by Mr. Terzi, supporter of the armed Syrian opposition - denied the visas inexplicably. Syrian MPs reacted because it was the first time that visas were denied to a foreign MPs delegation. They wrote to both presidents of the Italian Parliament, Mr. Renato Schifani and Mr. Gianfranco Fini.
The visas refusal caused several questions addressed to Terzi who was accused to be against the dialogue and to give a disgraceful performance of democracy. The House of Deputies and the Senate acts include questions of Suad Sbai, Paola Frassinetti (signed by other 13 deputies of several political forces - from Lega to PD) and Senators Alfredo Mantica and Antonello Cabras.
Assadakah Sardegna wrote to the President of the Republic of Italy, Mr. Giorgio Napolitano, and to the main Italian policy leaders as Silvio Berlusconi, Pierluigi Bersani and Nichi Vendola. No one answered. Not even Mr. Terzi.
Assadakah Sardegna struggled to denounce the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decision and published in its website several articles (including other newspaper articles) to describe an unknown story. A story well described in “Syria – Quello che i media non dicono” (Arkadia Editore), edited by Mr. Schiavone.
Assadakah Sardegna has always been sided against the terrorism in Syria disclosing the presence jihadist groups in Syria. Mr. Giulio Terzi did not like this position and decided to sue Assadakah President, Mr. Raimondo Schiavone concerning the articles he published in the association website. Mr. Schiavone’s comment is direct and concise: “The former minister complaint is a like a decoration. We look forward to seeing you in court!”